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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/30/22 Friendship Love for One Another Jason Persell Bible Class Attitudes & Reactions to Congregational Problems Sun Bible Study
10/28/22 Hell Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 2022-10-28_Lowell_Sallee_-_Hell.mp3
10/27/22 Heaven Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 2022-10-27_Lowell_Sallee_-_Heaven.mp3
10/26/22 God's Love for the Lost Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 2022-10-26_Lowell_Sallee_-Gods_Love_for_the_Lost.mp3
10/25/22 If Your Right Eye Makes You Stumble Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 2022-10-25_Lowell_Sallee_If_your_Right_Eye_makes_You_Stumble.mp3
10/24/22 God's Forgiveness Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 2022-10-24_Gods_Forgiveness.mp3
10/23/22 Doing Good Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM 2022-10-23_AM_Gospel_Meeting_-_Lowell_Sallee_-_Doing_Good.mp3
10/23/22 Respect and Reverence Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM 2022-10-23_pm_gospel_meeting___respect_and_reverance.mp3
10/23/22 Brethren In Africa Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting N/A Sun Bible Study
10/19/22 New Testament Apostasy & Prophecies of Apostasy Frank Richey Bible Class The Falling Away & Restoration of Man Wed Bible Study
10/16/22 Keeping Unity: Humility & Meekness Don Miller Bible Class Attitudes & Reactions to Congregational Problems Sun Bible Study 2022-10-16_Sunday_AM_Class_-_Unity.mp3
10/16/22 Confession Colby Junkin Sermon N/A Sun AM Confession.pdf 2022-10-16_Sunday_AM_Sermon_-_Confession.mp3
10/16/22 The God Kind of Wisdom Colby Junkin Sermon N/A Sun PM The_God_kind_of_Wisdom.pdf The_God_kind_of_Wisdom.mp3
10/12/22 Old Testament Apostasy & Prophecies of Apostasy Frank Richey Bible Class The Falling Away & Restoration of Man Wed Bible Study
10/09/22 Josiah, an Example for Today's Youth Frank Richey Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-10-09_Frank_Josiah.mp3
10/09/22 Keeping Unity By Loyalty To Divine Truth Jason Persell Bible Class Attitudes & Reactions to Congregational Problems Sun Bible Study
10/09/22 Instrumental Music in Old Testment Worship Frank Richey Sermon N/A Sun PM 2022-10-09_Frank_Instrumental_Music.mp3
10/05/22 God's Attempts to Restore Man Frank Richey Bible Class The Falling Away & Restoration of Man Wed Bible Study 2022-10-5_Frank_Gods_attempts_to_Restore_Man.mp3
10/02/22 Introduction & Lesson 1 Jason Persell Bible Class Attitudes & Reactions to Congregational Problems Sun Bible Study 2022-10-2_AM_Class_Attiudes_an_Reactions.mp3
10/02/22 Do The Small Things Colby Junkin Sermon N/A Sun AM Do_the_Small_Things.pdf 2022-10-2_Colby_Do_the_small_things.mp3
10/02/22 The Incomparable Jesus Colby Junkin Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Incomparable_Jesus.pdf 2022-10-2_Colby_The_Incomparable_Jesus.mp3
09/28/22 Divided and Alone : 2nd Chronicles Colby Junkin Bible Class Divided & Alone: Survey of 2 Chronicles Wed Bible Study 2022-09-28_Wed_Class_Survey_of_2nd_Chronicles.mp3
09/25/22 Hebrews: Chapters 12 & 13 David Wilson Bible Class Hebrews Sun Bible Study
09/25/22 The Silence of God Frank Richey Sermon N/A Sun AM 2022-09-25_Sunday_AM_-_The_Silence_of_God.mp3
09/25/22 Blessed Are The Forgiven Colby Junkin Sermon N/A Sun PM Blessed_are_the_Forgiven.pdf 2022-09-25_Sunday_PM_-_Blessed_Are_The_Forgiven.mp3

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