

Mark 3:1-6

The love and compassion of Jesus toward all who He encountered should be inspiring and imitated in our daily lives. In today’s reading, we find Jesus in a synagogue on the Sabbath and once again being tested by the Pharisees. A man with a withered hand was in the assembly and his presence prompted Jesus to ask – “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to kill?” The Pharisees’ unwillingness to answer Jesus’ question only further proved their hard hearts and inability to love their neighbors as themselves. Jesus did not allow this opportunity to pass by, but rather called the man forward and healed him from his withered hand. How did the Pharisees respond to this demonstration of grace and power from Jesus? “The Pharisees went out and immediately began conspiring with the Herodians against Him, as to how they might destroy Him.” The Pharisees’ hatred of Jesus motivated them so much that they were willing to align themselves with their enemies spiritually the Herodians. Why did these individuals hate Jesus so much? They would ultimately succeed in the plans to destroy Jesus, but three days later He rose from the dead! Thanks be to God who gives us victory over every physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ailment through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ!